Protesters carry a banner as they take part in an anti-racism demonstration in the center of Geneva, Switzerland, Saturday, April 18, 2009. The United Nations is bracing for a major anti-racism conference opening next week at its European headquarters, with concerns rife that it may descend once again into clashes over Israel that marred the last conference in South Africa eight years ago.It's finally here: the
UN's Durban II conference, a congregation of several world powers led by Iran meant to fight against global racism, begins this week on Monday. If you researched the first Durban which took place in 2001, or have any knowledge of the topics discussed, then I don't need to tell you that this conference will be nothing more than a cesspool of
anti-Semitism and
Islamist propaganda. The governments of the USA, Netherlands, Israel, Canada, Italy, Australia, Sweden, and Germany have already announced their boycotts of the conference.
If you can guess by the fact of Iran's leadership, the first Durban conference was used as a platform to push the aforementioned contortions of free speech. The very subject matter of the conference is pungent with hypocrisy and irony, as it's meant to fight racism but in fact creates even more. Much of the Western world suspects that Durban II will be no different, and used as a front to silence any criticism of Islam, Shariah law, or Mohammed. I've always said the UN is worthless, but letting jihadi and Islamist nations hijack it isn't my idea of a good solution.
You will recall that Obama originally intended to not only attend the conference, but help outline it as well. Only after his administration saw that the conference's veterans weren't going to scrub the anti-Semitism and Islamism out of the conference plan did Obama withdraw.
Yahoo! News
At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI said the conference is needed to eliminate racial intolerance around the world. Asia News, a Catholic news agency that is part of the missionary arm of the Vatican, said of the pope's comment: "The Holy See is distancing itself from the criticisms of some Western countries."
Some European countries are still deciding whether to attend the U.N. conference. Britain said it will send diplomats, despite concerns the meeting could become a forum for Holocaust denial or anti-Semitic attacks.
Many Muslim nations want curbs to free speech to prevent insults to Islam they claim have proliferated since the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. They cite the 2005 cartoons of Muhammad published by a Danish newspaper that sparked riots in the Muslim world.
European countries also have criticized the meeting for focusing heavily on the West and ignoring problems of racism and intolerance in the developing world.
That Pope sure is a swell guy, isn't he? Hopefully he'll be singing a different tune after he sees the intellectual pollution Durban II belches into the international atmosphere.
There's really not much to expect from Durban II. Let me give you a rough outline of what's going to go down:
1) Ahmadinejad will deliver his opening speech (garbed in Gestapo attire, of course), after which the meeting will convene. Refreshments, including the blood of Jews and Westerners, will be served during an hour lunch break.
2) All attending nations will pass a blanket denial of the Holocaust (because the Jews made it up), condemn any criticism of any religion (but secretly agree to ignore it unless it targets Islam, in which case they will bitch ceaselessly), and spend a few hours damning that Jewish thorn in the side of the Middle East.
3) After a group 'Heil Hitler' salute, the meeting will adjourn and all attending vice-chairs will return to their respective nations with a false sense of progress.
4) Nobody will care.
Interesting to note are the nations that are attending. Here's the
South Africa
India (I'm as confused as you are)
This is not to say that every one of these nations has as much moral integrity as a maggot, but you can guess as to the ulterior motives of many of them. I have no clue why India is on that list.